
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

How To Keep Your Body Moving

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At Home ciruit to get your body moving & heart rate up! perfect way to start the new week✨def don’t always feel like training but working out makes me feel sooo much better and more at peace the rest of the day. save it & give it a try

workout list:

exercise 1. reverse plank leg tuck ins | 4 x 10-12 reps
exercise 2. side lying hip abduction | 4 x 15 per side
exercise 3. walking hamstring marches | 4 x 12 reps
exercise 4. half burpees | 4 x 15 reps
exercise 5. 1 1/2 squat press | 4 x 20-25 reps✨



Tuesday, June 4, 2019

8 Simple Exercise to Lose Love Handles Without Gym at home only and best tried methods

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8 Simple Exercise to Lose Love Handles Without Gym at home only and best tried methods

Muffin top, love handles, spare tire – however you refer to that stubborn fat that accumulates on your sides, belly, and lower back, there’s one thing we can all agree on: it needs to go! So, fellas, how about a few simple at-home exercises to chisel your waistline in a week? Hey, try ‘em out for yourself!

1. Jumping Burpees Stand straight with your feet together

Jumping Burpees Stand straight with your feet together

Bend at the knees and put your hands on the ground. Then kick your feet back behind you so that you end up in a straight-arm plank. After a moment, pull your feet back in towards your chest, quickly stand up, and immediately jump up while reaching your hands towards the ceiling and clap. Lower yourself back into the starting position and repeat from there. First of all, burpees help get your blood flowing and your heart pumping in no time, making them an awesome warm-up exercise. On top of that, burpees provide you with a great full-body workout that targets not only your abs and obliques (that’s the muscles on your sides where that fat is sitting), but also your arms, quadriceps, glutes, chest, and hamstrings. Do 3 sets with 15 reps each.

2. Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle Crunches

  Lie down on your back and bend your legs so that your shins are parallel to the ground. Raise your chest and lift your shoulders off the mat. Keep your hands behind your head with your elbows out. Move your bent right leg toward your chest and simultaneously straighten your left leg so that it's parallel to the floor. While doing that, move your left shoulder toward your right knee. Remember that your elbows should remain out to the sides – this way, your stomach (not your neck!) will have to strain the most. This kind of crunch, in particular, works the sides of your stomach and hips. Do 3 sets with 10 to 20 reps each.

3. Kneeling Vacuum Kneel on the floor with your bum resting on 

Kneeling Vacuum Kneel on the floor with your bum resting on

your heels. Put your hands to the sides of your legs and pull your shoulders back. Now, imagine that you need to touch your spine with your belly button and suck your stomach in as far as possible. If you can't pull it in very far at first, don’t sweat it! Your results will improve with time. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds if you’ve never
 done it before. Otherwise, you can hold your stomach in for 20 seconds. Some people don't breathe while doing this exercise, while others try not to interrupt their normal breathing. Choose whichever way is more comfortable for you, but don't relax your stomach muscles. This seemingly simple technique works like magic if you need to reduce your midsection, shrink your waistline, and carve your abdominal muscles. Repeat this exercise 5 times before taking a break. If you're an experienced "vacuums,", you can do 10 reps and then stop for 1 minute.

4. Side Plank Lie on your right side and lean on your elbow

Side Plank Lie on your right side and lean on your elbow

So that it's directly below your shoulder. Lift your hips and hold your weight on your right elbow and foot. If this is too hard for you at the beginning, bend your right leg and rest it on the floor while keeping your left leg straight – this will help absorb some of the weight until you build up your strength. And finally, reach your left hand up toward the ceiling. Just like a traditional plank, this exercise works your stomach muscles, as well as your back, glutes, and core. But most of all, the side plank focuses more on the obliques, which is a sure-fire way to get rid of love handles. Try to hold this one for 15 to 60 seconds on each side. Do at least 3 reps.

5. Swimmers Lie down on your stomach with your arms stretched

Out in front of you and shoulder-width apart. Your feet should be hip-width parts on the mat. Tense your stomach muscles and lift your left arm and right leg at the same time. Leave them in the air for 2 to 3 seconds, and then lower them back to the ground. Do the same thing with your right arm and left leg in the air. Do 10 reps of 5 counts on each side. If you wanna break a sweat and burn more fat, alternate
your legs and arms quickly 20 times on each side without letting them touch the ground. Then do some slow movements. This exercise will take care of any lower back fat. It sculpts your rear end as a bonus!

6. Russian Twist Sit down on the mat with your legs together

Russian Twist Sit down on the mat with your legs together

and knees slightly bent. Lean your upper body back, and hold your legs off the ground. You can bend your arms over your chest or hold them straight out in front of you – whichever you feel most comfortable doing at first. Now, slowly twist your torso and arms to the left side. Hold it there for 3 seconds, then return to the initial position. Repeat the movement on the other side. Do 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps each. By the way, if you do the Russian twist with some weight in your hands, be it a dumbbell or just a gallon of water, you'll burn calories and build muscle mass at a much faster rate!

7. Woodchoppers Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width

apart and your core engaged. You’ll need something with some weight to it to hold in your hands. Again, a medicine ball or a jug of water will do. Whatever it is, make sure you can get a good safe grip on it. Now, twist your torso to the right and hold the weight above your right shoulder. Then, turn your body and squat down while bringing the weight to the outside of your left knee. Go back up to the right, and repeat. Keep your eyes on the weight so that you don’t lose your balance. Also, if you're a beginner, don't pick a heavyweight; otherwise, it can lead to a bad rotator cuff injury.
Do 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps on each side.

8. Reverse Crunches Lie down on the ground, lift your legs in

Reverse Crunches Lie down on the ground, lift your legs in

The air, and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle. Keep your abdominal muscles tight and place your hands on the floor right next to your hips. Engage your lower abs to pull your knees up toward your chest. At the top of the movement, raise your hips in the air
so that your lower back and buttocks come off the ground by a couple of inches. It's essential to avoid any rocking movements while you're doing this. Pause at the top of the movement for a few seconds, and then slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position.
Just like regular crunches, the reversed ones work the front of your abs, but they especially hit your lower abdominal muscles. Do 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps each. Aim to do this workout 4 to 5 times a week. It’s also a good idea to throw in some moderate-intensity aerobic activities, like swimming, jogging, or cycling. That’ll kick up the fat-burning process so that that love handles melt right off!
And, of course, you’ll need to change your diet a little if you don’t want that fat coming right back or not leaving at all! First of all, cut down your calorie intake. It doesn’t have to be anything too drastic – 500 fewer calories a day means you’ll start to lose about 1 to 2 pounds a week! Avoid eating processed and fried food. It's usually high in added sugars, preservatives, and additives. You’ll also wanna stay away from the usual offenders: sweetened drinks, fast food, ready meals, junk food like cookies and chips, and fatty meat. Remember that high amounts of added sugar get stored exactly around your stomach, which means (yep!) a spare tire! If you’re cutting fatty meats like bacon and sausage, simply replace them with lean alternatives such as fish, chicken, turkey, and lean red meat. It’s a good idea to replace foods rich in carbs with non-starchy veggies, such as cauliflower, celery, peppers, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, and the like. Try to eat 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. By the way, some fruits are pretty high in carbs, so you might wanna stick to berries since they don’t have as much sugar in them. And finally, drink more water! It’ll help reduce your overall weight and calorie intake,
so your love handles will shrink with time. Plus, if you’re working out, you need to replace the hydration you lose through sweat.
Good luck out there, and let me know if these exercises worked for you! And if you know any other ways to deal with love handles, leave them down in the comments! If you learned something new today.

All you have to do is choose the next video clip Here, click it, and enjoy it!



What is the difference between VEGANS versus meat eating? How do they live?Food / Diet Comparison

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 What is the difference between VEGANS versus meat eating? How do they live?Food / Diet Comparison

We’ve all experienced it. We invite a friend to dinner, only to learn that she is the dreaded V-word. We have a vague sense of what it means, but we’re left with so many questions?
 Is it healthier?
 Will you sit on my leather couch?
 Can we still go to Taco Bell?
 In a world of health magazines and Planet Fitness commercials, many people want to learn more about nutrition and which diets are the healthiest. Wherever you go, no one can escape the growing vegan phenomenon, so we thought it would be fun to explore it further in this episode of The Info-graphics Show; Vegans vs Meat-eaters.
 A vegan is someone who follows a diet that contains no animal meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, or any other food that comes from animals.
 They differ from vegetarians, who generally still eat dairy and eggs as part of their diets. Vegans also typically abstain from using any other products that come from animals, such as honey and leather jackets.
 Back in 2008, vegans only accounted for around 0.5% of the US population or about 1 million people. As of polls taken in 2014, vegans now make up roughly 2.5% of the population. At least in the United States, women seem to be far bigger fans of veganism, making up around 79% of vegans.

 What is the difference between VEGANS versus meat eating? How do they live?Food / Diet Comparison

The number of meat-eaters far outweighs the number of vegans throughout the world, with the highest concentration of vegans being in Israel at only around 5% of their population.
 By not consuming any animal products, vegans follow a dietary path similar to an herbivore. Herbivores are animals that feed exclusively on plants, such as cows, giraffes, and adorable deer.
 Meat-eaters are typically omnivores, which means that they eat both plants and animals. The term comes from the Latin words Omni, meaning “all or everything,” and the word Volare, which means “to devour.”
 So basically omnivores are down to eat whatever. Most meat-eaters don’t solely eat just meat like a carnivore would do.
 That is unless you’re Ron Swanson from Parks and Rec. Then it’s beautiful bacon and sizzling steaks all day! So humans are widely thought of as natural omnivores, but some believe that humans are at their optimal health when following the dietary habits of an herbivore. People often cite potential health benefits and ethical dilemmas as the main reasons to go on a vegan diet. We won’t get into the ethics today, but we are curious about the health differences between vegans and their meat-eating friends. People on a vegan diet tend to be leaner. In a cross-sectional study of nearly 40,000 (37,875) adults, meat-eaters had the highest mean body-mass-index or BMI.
 Vegetarians were in the middle and vegans had the lowest.
 Based on several studies from Finland, some scientists have suggested that vegan diets may be helpful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Vegans also appear to have lower rates of hypertension than both meat-eaters and vegetarians.Vegans also typically have lower cardiometabolic risks for conditions like heart disease or strokes.
 The problem, however, doesn't seem to be with the meat itself, but rather with the quality of meat.
 Recent findings have found that coronary heart disease problems do not seem to be linked with red meat and saturated fats like previously thought, but rather with processed meats. Based on a study of nearly 1.25 million people (1,218,380), the consumption of processed meats,
 not simply red meat, was associated with higher rates of coronary heart disease. From an evolutionary standpoint, meat-eating omnivores also seem to be the reason behind the growth of our larger, more intelligent brains. This is the result of the higher protein content associated with meat consumption.

 What is the difference between VEGANS versus meat eating? How do they live?Food / Diet Comparison

The American Dietetic Association, or ADA, states that the protein from plants can easily meet and exceed protein requirements and that being an omnivore merely increases the number of protein sources a person can have by including animal meat.
Protein is important to both bone health and muscle mass.
One study even found that women who ate meat had higher amounts of muscle mass than their vegetarian counterparts, even if the protein intake was the same. While there certainly may be some health advantages in going vegan, there seem to be some common
deficiencies in the diet. One of these deficiencies is with vitamin B-12. The ADA states that there are no natural plant foods that contain any significant amount of the vitamin.
Vegans can still get it, but they need to take a vitamin or consume fortified foods like soy milk and certain breakfast cereals. Omega-3 fatty acids are also very difficult to come by on a vegan diet, but this can be overcome through the consumption of algae supplements. With vegans requiring supplementation to meet their nutritional needs, it supports the claim that veganism is unnatural, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it's unhealthy. At this point, some of you may be wondering which diet leads to longer life spans. For that information, we turn to Okinawa. The traditional Okinawan diet is typically regarded as the best for health and longevity,
with the Okinawan islands having the greatest concentration of centenarians in the world. Archipelago hundreds of miles off the coast of Japan, Okinawa has about 740 centenarians
out of its population of 1.3 million people. While their diets have been changing recently due to globalization and factors like fast-food chains, the traditional Okinawan diet is made up of large amounts of plant-based carbohydrates (about 85% of their diet). Although they are primarily vegans, traditional Okinawans still eat meat on special occasions, usually pork, as well as small amounts of fish every week. This doesn’t prove that small amounts of animal products are vital to good health, but it does hint that the optimal human diet can be achieved without going completely vegan.
That said, many health organizations, including the ADA, state that well-planned vegan diets are healthy and nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention
and treatment of certain diseases. It seems like no matter what your dietary preferences are, a healthy lifestyle can be achieved on or off a vegan diet.
Are you or would you ever consider becoming a vegan?
Why or why not? Let us know down in the comments below.

All you have to do is choose the next video clip Here, click it, and enjoy it!



Thursday, May 30, 2019

10 best ways to naturally do you whiten yellow teeth at home Without visiting a doctor no matter what you

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Natural -Ways -to -Whiten- Teeth

 We all dream of having the perfect looking teeth you can see on the red carpet and all over magazine covers. However, not all of us can afford to go to the dentist to have our teeth professionally whitened.And that's okay save your hard-earned cash because we've collected ten effective ways to naturally whiten your teeth without destroying your enamel or your bank account Before we get into the home remedies you should know that all of these methods must not be used at the same time Pick one and stick to it. Plus if you have problems with your teeth at home whitening may not be for you You can always check with your dentist beforehand to make sure Taking proper care of your teeth every day is crucial for these remedies to work so be sure to check out this video to see What common mistakes you might be making in your daily oral care routine. It's sure Eye-opening and useful and now let's dive into these DIY remedies for natural teeth whitening in the comfort of your own home

#1 Toothpaste sea salt baking soda and lemon juice

It's great to use these powerful remedies one by one. But why not combine them all and make one super remedy?

Super remedy to the rescue plus notice that while we warned you earlier not to combine all the remedies with this Specific combination you'll be okay if you're careful because it has a safe enough balance of acidic and alkaline components, so here's what you should do mix one tablespoon of toothpaste a pinch of sea salt a bit of baking soda and four to five drops of lemon juice in a bowl Brush your teeth with this mixture for four to five minutes You'll see the difference in just one use but don't get too excited that immediate result is due to the fact that this treatment is potent with a capital P You can use this method only once every two months The effect will last quite a long time so don't overdo it and hurt your poor enamel and there you have it achieving the perfect smile is way easier than you think

Natural- Ways -to- Whiten -Teeth

# 2 A strawberry

Pretty much everybody knows that strawberries are super delicious and healthy, but did you know that they're great for lightening your teeth as well.
That's because they're acidic which if you haven't noticed by now is great for teeth whitening The easiest way to make use of it is to take a ripe strawberry and mash it up with a spoon Brush your teeth with this paste for a few minutes to get rid of yellow stains you can do this once a month Hey while you're at it? Why not throw in some baking soda to the mix?

In this case, you should mash up one strawberry at half a teaspoon of baking soda stir them together dip your toothbrush into the mixture and brush your teeth with it. Don't forget to leave the mixture on your teeth for about five minutes and then rinse, your mouth of water repeat this one to two times a week

Natural- Ways -to -Whiten- Teeth

#3 Apple cider vinegar and water

Apple cider vinegar is a highly powerful cleaning and disinfecting agent it removes stains and kills all the bacteria in your mouth

Simply dilute half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and use this homemade mouthwash every morning before brushing your teeth. Don't worry the water balances out the acidity of the vinegar, so it's totally fine to use this mixture daily. Another equally effective method is to simply rub apple cider vinegar directly onto your teeth leave it for about five minutes and then rinse your mouth with water, however, you can do this more concentrated version only once a week of course because the vinegar can break down the tooth enamel. So be careful

Natural- Ways -to -Whiten -Teeth

#4  Lemon juice and water

A mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water will help restore whiteness to your teeth and completely disinfect your oral cavity
To test this out mix one teaspoon of water with one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Brush your teeth thoroughly with the combined liquids, and then rinse it out. After that brush your teeth again this time with your regular toothpaste. Do this just once a week
Another possible method is to apply the water lemon mixture directly on to your teeth and leave it there like a mask for about ten minutes

After the time's up rinsing your mouth out with water you can do this twice a week for better results

Natural- Ways- to -Whiten -Teeth

#5  baking powder and lemon juice

Baking powder eliminates stains on the surface of your teeth and lemon juice as we already said has multiple components that lightening teeth Just mix a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and you guessed it you brush your teeth with the paste this mixture will work wonders in just two minutes but remember the golden rule do not leave it on your teeth for more than two minutes because it will damage your enamel After a couple of weeks of using this home treatment once or twice a week Your teeth will be so blinding that you'll have to warn people to put on some sunglasses before you smile at them

Natural -Ways-to-Whiten -Teeth

#6 hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is basically a bleaching agent ,so it's a must-have for teeth whitening however before using hydrogen peroxide make sure that your teeth aren't too sensitive If you're good to go simply dip a cotton swab into the peroxide and Gently rub it on your teeth be careful though because this whitening technique isn't recommended for frequent use as it can harm your enamel Doing it once or twice a week would be plenty If you don't want to risk damaging, your teeth you can always find a toothpaste with hydrogen peroxide in it from the store This way you don't have to worry about your teeth sensitivity because the hydrogen peroxide is balanced out with other ingredients

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used as a mouthwash before brushing your teeth just Make sure that you're using either a one point five percent or three percent solution for this Other possible options are hydrogen peroxide gel or even teeth whitening strips So get your hands on some hydrogen peroxide in any of its forms and enjoy your new snow, white tea

Natural -Ways -to -Whiten -Teeth

#7  baking soda and lemon juice

Baking soda does a great job at removing surface stains from your teeth making them way wider as a result Lemon contains vitamin C which is known for lightening teeth not to mention lemons have

Antibacterial properties that kill the microorganisms living in your mouth. Hey nobody invited them in there The right way to combine these two ingredients would be to put a pinch of baking soda on your toothbrush and then add a few drops of lemon juice over it to achieve a set of bright shiny teeth Just don't use this whitening method more than once a week That's enough to get the desired effect and keep your enamel healthy at the same time you can also mix one teaspoon of baking soda with two teaspoons of water and brush your teeth with the paste This combination provides a more gentle cleansing so you can repeat this procedure a little more frequently twice a week

Natural -Ways -to -Whiten -Teeth

#8 powdered milk and toothpaste
Dairy products especially milk significantly improve the health of your teeth that's because milk contains both calcium and phosphorus which promote the remineralization of tooth enamel you
Can either put more dairy products in your diet?

Or simply use powder milk to brush your teeth combine it with your toothpaste for an even better effect Just put some toothpaste on your toothbrush add a bit of powdered milk on top and brush your teeth do this one to two times a week to get your teeth pearly white and strong?

Natural -Ways- to -Whiten -Teeth

#9 activated charcoal
Activated charcoal has recently been gaining fame as an amazing home remedy for teeth whitening , and it's no surprise since it's for sure one of the easiest and most inexpensive products to naturally whiten your teeth as, An antioxidant this stuff truly works wonders by removing all the toxins and surface stains left by tea coffee and food consumption, Brushing your teeth with activated charcoal has been proven to lighten them by up to three shades pretty impressive, right

So if you want to try it, here's what you should do, Crush up one charcoal tablet into a powder dip your clean wet toothbrush into it and brush your teeth as you normally do, just don't freak out when your teeth and mouth instantly become covered in the black stuff. It rinses away to reveal brighter whiter teeth

Natural -Ways- to -Whiten -Teeth

#10 sea salt lemon juice and toothpaste
Another great component for a homemade teeth whitening remedy is sea salt it has loads of important minerals, and elements such as calcium magnesium and iron among others, Sea salt has antibacterial properties as well, which freshen your breath and protect your enamel

So if you want to see these amazing, Effects for yourself mix half a teaspoon of sea salt and some freshly squeezed lemon juice with a small amount of toothpaste in a bowl , apply the mixture to your teeth and leave it on for a minute before rinsing your mouth, Thoroughly just like with most of the procedures on this list repeat one to two times a week

Natural -Ways -to -Whiten -Teeth

More Info :Here



Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Best Ways to Lose Half Your Body Weight

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weight loss

With the increase in weight, the body loses its thickening to do the daily work, and as a result, the use of drugs is not the correct form of the body, unlike the natural recipes that work on fat burning and weight loss effectively, and so many recipes work to reduce the body and produce amazing results.

A case study is made effective results by applying amazing steps by three women(Veronica, Nina, and Tiffany).
now each of them took.The first steps towards extreme weight
loss for a different reason after, getting a hundred pounds Tiffany his way peaked at 250 pounds, she was tired of being what she called herself which was the fat life with the skinny husband at 320 pounds.
Nina had a fear of weight loss, surgery and have put her in a weight-loss crossroad and at 457 pounds.
Veronica received a fourth-generation, diabetes diagnosis and he needed to lose weight to save her life.

We start with Veronica, who lost 267 pounds :

Exactly what you eat Veronica to lose 267 pounds well, these are some diary food to show it.

who says you can't still enjoy Breakfast ,classics a protein bar is a good way to, help you fill up and satisfy that sweet, tooth this is a healthy option that's, really easy to put together it amazes me
that something so good can also be so good for you pork can be a really good.source of protein if you get a nice lean


2-Mid-Morning Snack


4- Afternoon Snack

5- Dinner

 The overall strategy for losing this big weight was my first strategy is to wake up and start, and what I did is I simply started and I advise anyone, I do what you can, and started to get rid of soft drinks and ate less at every meal that was my main strategy at first. Thus, those healthier patterns have become more developed
The easiest and not only became easier. But I wanted to do more, I wanted to exercise and talk about it a bit, to start exercising and go to the gym of course when you want to go to
The gym that you want to look good, you want to wear something comfortable.

For more details on Veronica experience, try to lose weight in the next video

All you have to do is choose the next video clip Here, click it, and enjoy it!



Saturday, May 25, 2019

How You Can Do This Prenatal Pilates Workout Anywhere There's Room for an Exercise

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Pregnancy could be an amount once a girl should keep her body healthy. If you're pregnant, you must concentrate on your health. during this case, you'll do exercises. antenatal Pilates is one in each of the exercises that you just will select after you area unit close to doing routine exercise. You will notice that this effort is going to be a nice choice of effort that you just will do when your baby is born. But, there area unit some stuff you ought to concentrate.


When you area unit close to doing a definite effort together with Pilates, you must do the warming up first. you'll screw my stand upon your feet with shoulder-width apart. so do mild movements like alternating raising your legs and your arms. check that that you just maintain correct respiration throughout the nice and cozy up and also the Pilates exercise that you just do. By doing the nice and cozy up, you'll be ready to do the exercise safely.


During the primary trimester, your body isn't modification drastically nonetheless. this implies that you just will do Pilates movements. But, you have got to be continually careful in doing each movement in Pilates. you'll follow Pilates in each alternative day in twenty to half-hour Additionally, you have got to form positive that you just drink any water when your exercise session. Therefore, you'll be off from dehydration that's not smart for your body.

When your gestation turns to trimester, check that that you just don't lay flat on your back. This position isn't safe for your baby's growth. this is as a result of this position can cut back blood flow to the world to the key areas of your body. you'll modify your effort throughout now and check that that you just don't jump or carry your legs over your head. additionally, can you'll notice that Pilates will provide you with the advantage of adjusting your dynamical body form.

See other great workout at home videos at

Furthermore, their area unit several Pilates movements that you just will do throughout your gestation. But, you have got to consult it along with your doctor before beginning your effort. this can be worn out order to try and do safe effort so you'll take the advantages from the effort that you just do.

More Info : Here



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